~💖Today WILL be great!💖~

It is Friday after all! The last day to make it through before we get to the weekend. What do you have planned for this weekend? I will be going on a youth retreat all day Saturday. I am really looking forward to this because so many of our normal youth activities have been cancelled. The kids could really use this! We are so grateful to finally have the opportunity to do something!! We could focus on the fact that it isn’t the same as it always is, but I’m choosing to just be grateful that we are getting part of it!! Every year we usually leave on Friday night and come back Sunday afternoon. This year we are only getting an all day trip for Saturday. It’s my son’s senior year and I was hoping he would get the annual experience that all the classes before him have gotten, but I am so thankful that he’s at least getting to experience a part of it and not missing in completely.

Whenever I can find a minute, which likely won’t be much this weekend, ha ha, I will be working on my newest project that I cast on yesterday. I am so excited about the newest pair of socks I have started. I have LOVING the yarn!! Check my Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram pages for project updates along the way. What will you be working on?

Happy Stitching!

*This post may include affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure for more information.*

Faith Gear Women Hoodies
Faith Gear Couple Shirt
Faith Gear Christian Men Hoodies