A great new way to connect with my kids :0)

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My son and I could spend endless hours playing this game!! :0) He’s hopelessly addicted to playing the wii, and I’m hopelessly addicted to crochet and knitting. This would be a great way for the 2 of us to spend hours together enjoying our favorite pastimes and bonding. :0) And it would probably be a great way to teach my girls how to knit, so it could be a new favorite family night activity. Now, if only it were a real game…..
We do a family night once a week where we spend some time together. Most times it ends up being a movie night. A rental from Redbox and a huge tub of air popped popcorn with lots of melted butter, but we all cuddle up and enjoy the time together.
What are your favorite ways to connect with your kids? Have you taught your children how to knit or crochet? Do you like to play video games with them? Do you do a movie night? Share you favorite family activities in the comments. :0)

Happy Stitching!