Hi! My name is Mindy. I am a Stay@Home Mama of 4 amazing kids. I love to crochet, knit and cross stitch. To take it even further, I also design and teach for all of the above. I love the Lord first and foremost and my family comes in right behind that.
My Stay@Home Mama taught me how to crochet when I was a little girl, but it really didn’t stick when I couldn’t get past how to do anything other than a chain. Fast forward about 20 years and 2 kids later and I decided I really wanted to learn how to do it. I bought a book and watched a lot of u-tube and called my mother a million times, but I retaught myself how to crochet and even managed to finally get past how to do a little more than a chain stitch.
As I started to look for patterns to try, I was finding a lot of projects that I wanted to make were actually knit patterns. I had been successful at teaching myself how to crochet, so I then decided it was time to teach myself how to knit.
As I gained more experience I wanted to test if I really knew what I was doing, so I challenged myself to become a certified instructor for both crochet and knitting through the Craft Yarn Council. I passed both certifications with flying colors and started to teach at my local Michael’s store. My husband served in the United States Air Force and therefore my time there was limited, but I really enjoyed the experience. Our next duty station didn’t have an opening at our local store and so I started to teach private lessons here and there and really started focusing on designing my own patterns and selling items in my Etsy shop.
I also love to cross stitch, although as of yet I have mainly done that as more of a hobby and for gift giving than I have anything further. It does fall into the “stitching” category though so I do include it on my list of stitching related crafts.
I am always trying to learn new tricks and techniques. I thought a blog page was the best place to compile all the things I’m making and learning as I go. I love to take classes and continually challenge myself to grow in all the crafts I love to do.
One of my favorite places to shop (and where I always have a running wishlist) is at KnitPicks.

I’m an open book so if I didn’t cover something you were interested in knowing, shoot me an email at stayathomestitchings@live.com or comment here on the blog. You can find me all over social media on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram . 💖😊

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