Adilynn’s Birthday Blanket Complete :0)

In our house, it has been a tradition then when you turn 4 you can pick whatever colors you want and Mama will make you a blanket. You can even help pick out the pattern. My baby girl knew her time was coming and so she had been telling me for months and months what colors she wanted and what blanket she wanted Mama to make her. I figured for hers, instead of waiting until after she turned 4,  I would have it stitched up in time for her 4th b-day since she was so confident in her color choices. They never changed!! She was persistent and insistent. LOL
I had gotten quite a few S@HS orders over the last few weeks, so it slowed my progress on her blanket down quite a bit. I missed having it to her on her b-day by ONE DAY!! DARN!! I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning the day before her birthday trying to finish and finally gave up and went to bed. 5:00 comes way too early and I’m way too old to be functioning on that little sleep. I thought I might quickly finish it throughout the day and give it to her by cartoon time that night, but as birthdays go, there are too many extra activities going on to fit in sitting and crocheting. So, I had to work on it after she went to bed. It was still a late night, but I had it done by midnight. I guess technically that means I had it done by her b-day, but my goal had been for HER to have it on her b-day  and I missed that by a few hours. I wasn’t about to wake her up at midnight to give it to her. I’m not that crazy!
I wrapped it up and sitting at her spot at the kitchen table when she woke up. She was very happy to “FINALLY” have her blanket (as she told me). LOL Sorry girl, these things take time!!
I’m very happy that each of my babies have a little something special from me. I went away for a weekend last fall and when I left I told my older kiddos that if they missed me when I was gone they could wrap the blankets around them like I was sitting with them and giving them a big hug. (I NEVER leave them, so it was sort of a big deal for me to not be home for a few days). To this day my kids remember me telling them that. Sometimes they’ll pull their blankets out at night and one of them will say, Mama, I’m wrapping the blanket around me like you are giving me a BIG hug right now. :0) That makes my heart happy that it means as much to them as it means to me.  I am thankful that all 4 now have their own Mama hug to wrap up in. :0)
(However, now my husband would like to know when I’m going to make HIM a blanket. He only started asking like 10 years ago….guess I should probably add that to my project list, LOL).
Do you have any family traditions that go hand in hand with knitting or crocheting? Or with any crafts really? We have a Christmas one I’ll share coming up in the next few months that is not crochet or knitting related!! SHOCKING! I know!! :0)  I’m interested to see what other crafters do to mix their skills with making family memories. :0)
Happy Stitching!!
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If you like the blanket in the pic, check out the Rainbows and Hearts Blanket crochet pattern by Bethany Scofield at: