Brinley’s Sweater ~ March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010

In case anyone missed it….the date of this finished project came over a YEAR after the date of the last finished project. Apparently my stitching life slowed WAY down once I had 3 kids. ha ha!! This was probably the longest gap between projects I ever had… and I’m pretty sure I didn’t have time to miss it too much with as busy as having 3 little ones in the house kept me. 

This little peanut sure was excited that Mama had finally made her a sweater though. 

This is the same sweater pattern that I’ve made every other time. This time, though, I had to venture from the baby size I had made all the other ones and make a larger size. The pattern is written for 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. 
Bernat Design Studio: Sweet Baby Hoodie
The biggest challenge to my love of stitching all these years is just finding the time to do it. As much as I love to stitch, I love my babies more and  I wouldn’t do anything different. Even though I did not get many projects finished during their little years,  my time spent with them has been far more priceless. No amount of stitching time could ever match it. If I could go back and do those years over again… I would in a heartbeat. They grow up way too fast. You blink and they’re almost a senior in high school. How does that even happen?
What challenges have you faced in being able to find stitching time?
Happy Stitching!