Crochet Chunky Shell Stitch Cowl ~ November 12, 2014

If you’re looking for a great, quick and easy project to make for yourself or as a gift, then look no further. This Crochet Chunky Shell Stitch Cowl is the perfect gift to stitch. Nothing better than a trendy accessory to add to your wardrobe!

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Crochet Chunky Shell Stitch Cowl Project Info:

Craft: Crochet
Made For: My Etsy Shop😊
Size: I didn’t write down the finished size
Started: November 12, 2014
Completed: November 12, 2014
Hook size(s): 9.0 mm (M/N)

Pattern Details:

The pattern I used for this project was Swell Shell Cowl by Loops & Threads™ Design Team. I actually found this pattern on the aisle in the Michael’s store I was shopping in, so I’m glad I was able to find a link to share here. 😊

Yarn used for this Crochet Chunky Shell Stitch Cowl :

While I did not notate which yarn I used for this project, it is a very good chance I used Michael’s brand of Loops and Threads Cozy wool, seeing as to how that is what is recommended in the pattern. Other good choice brands: Lion Brand , Vanna’s Choice, Caron Simply Soft Party, and Red Heart Soft. I recommend any of these. I’m including an Amazon link below to find a few yarn choices there. A few other places to check out yarn are Knit Picks (I will post some colorways for this company below) and Create For Less websites. - Create More, Spend Less

Hooks and Tools:

If you are just starting your stitching journey, chances are you don’t have tools yet. I highly recommend doing your research and reading reviews to figure out what you like best. I will include my recommendations, but definitely read and find what works best for you.
My favorite brand of hooks to use are the Knit Picks brand. They are so beautiful and well made. My collection includes a wood set of the crochet hooks as well as a padded handle set. I love them both!

New Tools from The Hook Nook. An assortment of Hook Nook tools and hooks on a blue background

For this project I used U.S. Size 9.0 mm (M/N) hook.

Additionally I have a cute little set from Amazon that I love too. You can buy this one fairly inexpensively and it comes with some tools and notions that will be helpful too. Several buying options to choose from and I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them. 🙂 I even have the light up set pictured below and I think it’s kind of awesome. I love that it’s rechargeable! Again, be sure to do your research and read the reviews. If you buy a good set of hooks it’s likely you will never need to buy another set again, or at least not for a very long time. Doing your homework to make sure you are making a sound purchase is always a good idea.

Additional Tools for when your wrists and/or hands ache

Stress relief gloves are a must have if you knit and/or crochet a lot. I own a few different kinds. They are very useful if your hands and wrists are bothering you. I’ll include a few links for you to check out.

Feel like you need a little more help?

Maybe you’re completely new to crocheting and don’t know how to do it at all. I taught myself a lot of how to knit and crochet through a kit. I posted a link to one that is similar to what I bought years ago below from amazon. There are also a LOT of online resources that can help you, such as Annie’s online classes I’m posting below. You can also find your local yarn store and check out what they have available. There are almost always options there to learn.

That should be about all you need if you want to try this one out. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help.

Happy Stitching!

Make sure to check out the links for Annie’s. It’s getting to be Christmas season. As a stitcher, I can tell you this is the single best gift to give another yarn enthusiast. It’s like Christmas all year long when you sign someone up (even yourself 😉) for a subscription. Annie’s has so many different clubs to choose from. Even if you’re not a stitcher, you can find clubs for kids, books, and other crafts as well. Use the code SHARE50 for 50% off your first month.