Crocheting brightens my day…

Crocheting brightens my day. And my day needs a little brightening today. It’s been one of those days around here. It wasn’t a total loss, but it was more eventful than I prefer for a Monday. Let’s just say we woke up to rain and it kept raining (literally and figuratively) all day long. :0)

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Home repairs

We are doing some home repairs around here. Several things just went totally down the tubes today with $$ flashing in order to fix them. But what do you do? Thank God you have a hubby that can figure most of it out. Having a little in savings to fall back on to fix all the issues helps too. :0)

Fat lips

Then I drove to pick up my preschooler from school today. When I got there, another mom tells me that I should probably head into the bathroom because they just took Brinley in there to clean her up. I’m thinking a bathroom accident, but no…it was blood. Her chair had tipped over on her and she busted her lip on the table in the course of her fall. So…she has a nice huge fat lip for a few days. But, thankfully, she didn’t need to go to the ER for stitches or anything serious. For this, I feel blessed. I can handle a fat lip.

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Ear aches and urgent care

Then we finally get to dinner. This is after much more house work and bill paying (to find out how much the home repairs are costing, yikes)! Now we have our 10 year old holding his ear and telling us it hurts. He’s old enough to know ear pain, so off to urgent care we go.

But, the kicker is, my husband is his cub scout den leader. They had a meeting tonight, so he still had to go to the school. I headed off to Urgent care with all 4 kids. Oh, and add to that no referral because Tricare’s nurses line was down. However, the nurse line finally called me back as I was standing in line to check into urgent care. Of course this was after trying them for over an hour. But thankfully I got my referral number exactly when I needed it. Isn’t God so good that way? :0)  

Caleb was checked and found to have an ear infection (big surprise). We were prescribed his meds and on our merry way (in the pouring rain). But, it’s only an ear infection and we were still home before bedtime. So all in all, a very successful trip to Urgent Care in my book and not another day of school missed. He was sick most of last week and missed 2 days of school already, so I’m glad we got in and taken of tonight. - Create More, Spend Less

Final Straw

Then the final straw was the home repairs require a crew to come tomorrow to do some work and they were scheduled to be here at 8 am. Well, they called to inform us that they had to push us back until between noon and 2 and they don’t believe they will finish it all tomorrow.

We have family coming to town on Thursday night, so after the mess they make with all their work I will have to clean the house and get the birthday cake done for the girls joint bday party we are throwing on Sunday for a house full of people in a house that may or may not be ready to have anyone in it. LOL But, we are blessed to have friends and family in our lives to come over and celebrate the lives of my 2 beautiful youngest daughters and who cares about a messy house, right? :o)

500 X 100

In conclusion…

So, all this to say, it is what it is, and at the end of the day, I still have time to crochet, and crochet really, REALLY brightens my day…no matter how rainy it was.  If these are the rain drops I have to deal with, then I am living a pretty darn good life. :0)

How about you? Does Crochet Brighten your day?
Happy Stitching!! :o)
~Mindy~ - Create More, Spend Less
Happy Crochet! - 13 Adorable Projects in Bright Colors