DANGER! Prone to continual Crocheting (and/or Knitting)

So here we are, 2015 already. Where has the time gone? I have decided I’m a terrible blogger. Being a mother of 4, running my own Etsy shop and currently deciding to take on getting my certification to teach knitting and crochet all while getting a job teaching said crafts at our local Michaels store has left me very little time to be on the computer these days. I have very little time left to think, much less put words to paper (or typing them out in this case), to keep my wonderful and loyal fans “in the loop.” ;0) There has been so much that has happened since my last blog post there would be no way to catch up now, so we start fresh with the new year. It is definitely on my list of goals for the year to try to at least post 2 blog posts a month this year. I have so many new things to share!!
The problem with keeping up with a blog for me is exactly as the cartoon states, I have the dangerous tendency to sit and continuously crochet or knit. I pretty much spend every free moment (which isn’t much with a family of 6 in case you were wondering), creating, designing and stitching. Lately I have been kept super busy with orders for Monster Pants. Have you seen these things?
They are super cute and I can see the draw to them. I only started stitching them because my sister found a picture of them and said she would love a pair for her youngest. I had no idea what I was going to get him for his 1st birthday as he is baby 4 of 4 and really didn’t need a whole lot. I decided to stitch up this pair of knit monster pants for him and have been busy making them ever since. Throw in the holidays and several waves of company in between and that leaves me with ZERO time to blog. 
So, all this to say, if I ever go missing again for long periods of time from keeping you in the loop, it’s just because I’m taking the few minutes of free time I have found and am furiously knitting or crocheting projects of some kind or another. I don’t think that will happen again, though. I have some really great ideas for upcoming blog posts. Taking these certification courses has been fantastic and I am learning all sorts of new and fun tips and tricks to share with all of my followers. Who knew after so many years of doing a craft you could learn so many new things? I have really been amazed! (You can teach an old dog new tricks! LOL).I plan to have the first of these blog posts typed up and ready to share in the next week or 2, so make sure you stay tuned.
In the meantime, Happy Stitching!! Hopefully you and yours had a Happy Thanksgiving, a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years! :0)
If you are interested in purchasing the monster pants pictured above make sure you check out the listing in my Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/listing/217715849/knit-monster-pants-custom-order-listing?ref=shop_home_active_1