For Every Skein There is a Reason…

Howdy Ya’ll….. Just practicing my southern drawl. For those of you who were not aware, my family recently PCS’d (which in the military means had a permanent change of station and in regular words means we moved). :0) We left the lovely and very family friendly town of Papillion, NE and have moved to Alabama near Maxwell AFB. We loved our previous location and could have easily settled there forever, but as we military families know so well, home is where the military sends you. :0) We look forward to the 10 month adventure we will have here in Alabama. We are even more excited to learn where home will be next, but will not find out that information until later in March or April.
So, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth, I was just sitting in my car driving through about 10 states or so. We drove from NE to NY to stay with family for a while, and then from NY to AL. My husband even added a solo car trip from NE to AL and we counted that in 2 weeks he had been in 16 states!! It’s been quite a summer and hopefully explains to those of you who have been following the blog where I’ve been and why I haven’t been posting lately.
We’ve just recently finished unboxing everything and getting the new house in order. One of my biggest challenges of course was getting my yarn stash reorganized and unpacked into a smaller space than I had in our last house!! THE HORROR!! LOL And if you can even imagine, the movers who boxed it all up took my nicely, color coordinated bins and threw misc. items in with the yarn and packed NON YARN items in WITH the yarn!! I was horrified!! I pretty much had to dump out every bin and box I had neatly sorted and organized in NE and start from scratch. I was pretty much buried in yarn and my husband teased me when he saw the initial mess saying he was never going to find me or see me again. He thought it would take the full 10 month stay here to get all that yarn into the new, smaller space I had available. It took me less than 3 hours. I think it only took me like 2 but my husband insists I was in there even longer than 3. You know how we get when we are with our yarn…time just slips away, so I’ll compromise with what he tells me on this one.
I found myself going through all the categories in that picture above as I had to organize my yarn stash. I don’t really sort it that way, but I did think those things as I went through it. For the most part I try to color coordinate my yarn since it’s mostly worsted weight, and then I take all my other weight yarns and sort them in separate spaces. It’s hard to explain and I’m too embarrassed to take a pic of my addiction, so you’ll have to take my word on it. :0)
So, now I hope to get back on track with all things Stay@Home Stitchings. We are getting settled in nicely. The hubs starts his school (the reason we are here) on Monday. The kids are registered for their schools and activities. We even already had to  do our school shopping this weekend because Alabama had a tax free weekend to help us out with the ginormous expense of school supplies for 4 children!! Thanks Alabama!! :0) Now we wait for school to start for the kiddos in about 2 weeks. Other than that I am hoping to FINALLY get my hands on my hook or needles and some yarn and get back to stitching….I have missed it SO much!!
So………..     Happy Stitching!!! :0)   ……. I know I will be!!
Find me on Facebook too if you haven’t already. I sometimes keep up to date a little better there than I do on the blog: Stay@Home Stitchings