The free simple Seed Stitch Knit Dishcloth Pattern is a great beginner project. Initially I created this pattern for myself to practice my knit and purl stitches. Consequently it turned out to be a cute pattern. In the event that there are other new knitters that might be seeking a good practice pattern, I decided to share it.
*This post may include affiliate links that I can earn a small commission from if you shop through them at no additional cost to you. Think of it as another way to help support my small business. ☺️ Please see my full disclosure for more information.*
Additionally I thought a free pattern would be a great way to say “welcome to my blog”! 😁
As previously stated, I wrote this free simple seed stitch dishcloth knit pattern. However, I’m sure it exists elsewhere due to it’s simplicity. Nevertheless, it is worked up with a pair of straight knitting needles and a skein of cotton yarn. Furthermore, it is a super fun pattern to stitch. So get out your needles and happy stitching!
*PDF File Available for download at the bottom of this post.*
Skill Level: Easy
*US size 7 Straight or Circular (24”) Needles
*Tapestry Needle
*1 Skein Cotton Yarn Pictured here I used Lily Sugar n Cream in Cool Breeze Ombre. But I also LOVE KnitPicks Dishie Yarn (which I hadn’t discovered yet when I wrote this pattern).
Dishie Yarn Options:
In addition to KnitPicks Dishie Yarn, Lion Brand also has a great option in their 24/7 Cotton.
c/o=cast on
15 sts = 4″
*Although, exact Gauge is not critical in this pattern*
Finished Size Measures Approximately 8” x 9 ½”
Pattern Instructions:
Cast on 40 sts
Rows 1-5: Knit each st across (Border)
Row 6: K4, *K1, P1, rep from* to last 4 sts, K4
Row 7: K4, *P1, K1, rep from * to last 4 sts, K4
Repeat Rows 6 and 7 until dishcloth measures approximately 7
½ inches, ending with Row 7.
Rows 1-5 again: Knit each st across (Border)
Bind off all stitches.
Fasten off and weave in all ends.
Copyright © 2013 Stay@Home Stitchings. All rights reserved. These instructions may not be photocopied or reproduced in any way. They may not be kitted or sold. They may not be mass produced and distributed. I have made every effort to ensure that these instructions are accurate and complete. I cannot, however, be responsible for any human error or variations in individual work.

Need a little more help?
In short, that should be about all you need if you want to try this one out. However, maybe you still feel like you might need a little extra assistance. That being the case you might want online classes to help you. If so, check out the links below for Craftsy or Annie’s. As a matter of fact, I take online classes often to improve and advance my skills. You can always learn something new! I actually taught myself to knit and crochet through “Teach myself” kits. In addition I’ll share a link for something very similar to what I purchased for myself below as well.
Wrapping it all up:
Actual finished product may be sold. I request my shop name: Stay@Home Stitchings and webpage address: be mentioned in the listing or wherever the item is displayed.

A few more online yarn buying options:
Happy Stitching!