Oh I never thought I’d see the day….why I tried to delude myself like this I don’t know, but I honestly thought that I would not ever get to a point in a project where I felt the need to actually rip the whole thing out. And yet, last night, it happened. I was 10 rows from completing a knitted baby blanket…10 rows!! So you can figure from this statement how many hours have already gone into this project. Thankfully this was a small baby blanket, but we are still talking a lot of work lost. I laid the blanket out to get measurements to make sure before I added that last final bordered edge that it was going to be the size I was aiming for. It was at this point, when the full project was completely laid out, that I realized I missed a row in the pattern repeat about 30-40 rows into the project which then had the blanket from that point on reversed. What I thought was the front side was now the back side and vise versa. It was not a reversible pattern repeat, there was an obvious front and back when laid completely out, but not obvious enough to notice it while I was working on it. Hard to explain, but devastating none the less. I tried to figure out ANY possible way to make the mistake work, but it was impossible. The blanket was beyond saving. So, for the first time in my crafting career….I had to frog the whole thing…rip it, rip it, rip it. 🙁

Have you had this devastating experience in your crafting career as well? Tell me about it. You know misery loves company….I could use a little company after this very sad milestone.  

The good news is that I’m excited about getting back at it and making it better than it was going to be originally. I’ve already got it all ripped out and I’m 5 rows into my new project. So, I will crack it up to a great learning experience. Lesson learned: Make sure to lay your project out a few times throughout the stitching process to make sure it looks right….
and now onward we go with some Happy Stitching!! :0)
(and hopefully no more FROGGING!!)