~ I’m not old ….~

I guess this would depend entirely upon who you were asking if I was old. If you were to ask me, I would say I’m not old. I don’t feel old anyway. However, if you were to pose this same question to my kids or their friends they may answer that a little differently.

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Youth leader blessings

I am blessed in the fact that I volunteer in our church’s youth group program as a youth group leader. I believe this also helps me to stay feeling young. Although, honestly, there are a lot of times that this also makes me feel very old. LOL You don’t realize just how old you are until you are hanging out with a bunch of teenagers. But, it’s a great time and I am so happy to get to be a part of it. Even more, I work with one of the best group of kids and fellow leaders.

I realize that I just said working with teenagers makes me feel both young and old. While I actually mean this, I can’t exactly explain to you how that is possible. LOL I think it’s really just being in their youthful presence many times is enough to make you feel young again. Trying to relate to what they are going through in todays day and age is sometimes very difficult and makes me feel VERY far removed from that time in my life. Added on top of that, the world is a very different place today than it was when I was tackling my teenage years. Many prayers for our youth of today! 🙏🏻

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I don’t feel old

All that being said….knitting, crocheting and cross-stitching do not make me feel old. Trying to keep up with teenagers, maybe, but not anything stitching related. If I’m honest, I love it so much, I wouldn’t even care if it did make me look old. I feel I’m a bit of an old soul anyway so that would be about right. “They” say that these hobbies are coming back and it’s trendy to be picking up these skills. I don’t know who “they” are, though, and if that is accurate at all or not. 🤷‍

Regardless, you know I’m going to keep on stitching no matter what. I hope you do too!

Happy Stitching!