Kenadie’s Flower Earflap Hat ~ February 27, 2011

February 27, 2011

This was a custom order for the same hat I had made for Adilynn. The only difference is this one was in black and Adilynn’s was a chocolate brown. It was super exciting to be asked to stitch this hat because remember, that was one of the first patterns I ever had to create on my own for the finished result I wanted. It was a bit of validation that what I had created was also something other people were liking as well.
 These pictures are totally cracking me up, though! Brinley was not digging being my model too much and boy does it show on her face!! Ha ha! Little did she know then that she would be called upon SO many times in the future for the job. It’s helpful having 4 kids with various head sizes to gauge whether or not your hats are coming out to the correct sizes, whether they are fans of helping or not. ha ha! Sadly they are all too big now to help me with the baby and toddler sizes, but they are still called upon to help me model other things quite often. And now they are way more cooperative about it because they are very familiar with the process.
Happy Stitching!