Maylie’s Stuffed Puppy ~ March 12, 2008

March 12, 2008

A little stuffed puppy to match the blanket that I had made for Maylie. It is at this point that I remember that I actually made Caleb his blanket first. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why I would make Maylie’s blanket before I made Caleb’s. I almost always do things in age order. But I didn’t document anything I was doing when I first started and have no record other than pictures of what I made and when. I found a picture with the stuffed dinosaur that I had made Caleb (pictures of that to come later because it doesn’t embarrass me) and remembered that I had made him a blue blanket with a matching green and blue dinosuar. The thing is, there weren’t any pictures of this set. Why? Because the blanket was TERRIBLE!! It was so awful that I never took pictures and I made him a new one a few years later. I think we still have that blanket somewhere tucked deep in a bin of things we will pull out if there is an emergency situation. I hope that day never comes. I would be completely embarrassed to show that blanket ever again. That might very well be the first thing I ever made because it was as crooked and uneven as it could possibly be. I didn’t know anything about dye lots and having to buy all your yarn at one time to make sure it was all gonna match. I learned that lesson very well the hard way making his blanket. It did not match. Did I mention how terrible that blanket was? Even thinking about it makes me blush with embarrassment. It was definitely a project for learning all the things NOT to do. So, even though I have “restarted” this whole blog and tried to get all my projects posted in order…Caleb’s dinosaur pics will post a little later because I don’t actually remember when I made it for him. I was planning to post it with the date I first found it in pictures, but I’m pretty sure that was a little while after I had actually stitched it for him.

This puppy, however, came out pretty cute. The pattern for it is: 
Chubby Puppy by Michele Wilcox 
and I found it Coats book Crochet & Knit Beautiful Babies
Don’t give up if your first project is terrible! I’m living proof that there is hope and you WILL get better!! Does anyone else have a first project disaster story like me? I’d love to hear it!
Happy Stitching!!