Motivation Monday ~ August 10, 2020

Motivation Monday! Just a little positive thinking to start your week. Happy #Monday! You’ve got whatever this week throws your way. 😁 What projects are on your hook/needles this week? Any new skills or techniques you are going to try and tackle?

Who else is gearing up to try and figure out this school year and all the new things we will have to learn to help educate our kids? When life hands you lemons….you know how the saying goes….make some lemonade. Our kids are going to respond to the current situation however we are demonstrating to them. Let’s remain upbeat and positive as best we can to help everyone make the best of a challenging situation.

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I’d love to see what everyone is working. Share some photos to help brighten up the start of another week! 🙂

Happy Stitching!

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