My very first commission ~ February 2, 2008

February 2, 2008
I don’t remember when I started to post pictures on Facebook. I cannot remember now how exactly people started to be aware of what I was making, but somehow or another word got out and my husband’s cousin asked me to make this sweater for them to gift to someone. I was beside myself with excitement!! It was in this moment that I started to let myself consider the possibilities of doing this as a little side business. It would be a while before that idea went anywhere, but this marked the seed being planted. Thanks Emily!! πŸ˜‰

This also marked the beginning of my children’s modeling careers. LOL They only model for me of course, but this was the start of that for them. I know they just love it. Ha ha!

But seriously…with a face that cute how could I not use her to model the sweater?!! 
Sweater Pattern: Sweet Baby Hoodie by Bernat Design Studio
Happy Stitching! πŸ§ΆπŸ’–