Nathan’s Gift Set ~ February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009

The third of the 3 Musketeers to be born in 2008 was my nephew, Nathan. He’s the one that gave us a bit of a scare. Not due until middle of December, he was born November 3 and with major health issues. He had to have a few surgeries just in his first few weeks of life. To say it was scary is an understatement…and I’m just the aunt!! I know that time was terrifying for my brother and sister in law. You would never guess his beginning was so scary if you met him today though! He’s now a happy and healthy 11 year old boy.

This is the set that I made for him. As you can see I didn’t complete it until February and he had been born in November. In my defense…he wasn’t due until December and it wouldn’t have seemed nearly as late if he had been born on time….AND also remember I had just given birth to a new baby myself and not fitting in a ton of extra crochet time. LOL 
Free time = sleep when you have a new baby. 
In all honesty I have no idea how I finished this set at all before he was 5 years old! He was in the hospital for quite a while after he was born and not really needing any of this stuff right away anyway, so it was a perfect gift to welcome him home with when he was finally able to be released. 

The only pattern I’m certain I used in this set is the same sweater pattern I’ve referenced a lot lately. 
Bernat Design Studios: Sweet Baby Hoodie
Happy Stitching!