Neato Robotics automatic vacuum to help keep your house clean while the kids are home for summer!

School’s out for summer! What does that mean? Well, in normal years that would mean that your kids are home more than usual. This year it’s possible they’ve been home just as much during the year as they will be this summer. Either way, your new best friend could be the neato robotics automatic vacuum.

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What you need to know about the neato robotics vacuum:

Where do I even start?! First off, Neato is the first with many technology innovations. “These include laser navigation, d-shaped vacuum, wi-fi connected and app enabled, smart watch support, integration with Amazon Alexa and Echo and Facebook chat support.” Additionally, the bestselling Neato D7 has a battery life up to 120 minutes!! It uses LaserSmart technology and can plan out multiple floor plans. Talk about convenient!! I live in a multi-level home so this feature really makes a big difference.

Who likes to vacuum? Not me! I love my four kids and my dog Oscar dearly. However, they can be MESSY! I want to spend my summer making memories with them, not cleaning up after them. This time saving tool is perfect to allow for just that. Take your kids to the zoo or the pool or BOTH and let your Neato Robotics Vacuum take care of the work for you! Really a life changing tool that frees up time to do the things you really want to do.

Happy Shopping and Easy Cleaning!
