~Stay Focused~

We are doing a mini VBS on our street this week and the theme has been to Focus on God. This cartoon seemed to go right along with that. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿงถ

And of course Focus is required to work on a craft project….especially if it’s a new one we haven’t tried before. I love the challenge that brings sometimes and waking up my mind to learn new things!!

The VBS adventure on my street this week has been inspiring. A few of the teenagers decided to get together and organize a very small scale version of what they know the kids were used to getting at the church each summer. These kids have been missing out on so much with school ending the way it did and all of the activities they normally participate in being on hold or cancelled all together. Now that the restrictions have lifted enough to have smaller groups of people gather, the teenagers decided to get our small neighborhood together for a few crafts and games that help the children learn about Focusing on God. So proud of this generation of kids thinking beyond themselves and putting time and service toward others.

#stayathomestitchings #llamas #focus #VBS #God #knit #coffee #crochet #crossstitch #yarn #dogood #amazon #alpaca #Christian #Bible #fun

Do you have any inspiring stories you can share that you’ve seen lately? I’d love to hear them! There has been so much negativity in the news…a little positivity is appreciated!!

Happy Stitching!

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