This Stay@Home Mama Loves to Knit!

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How about you? Do you love to knit? Do you love to crochet? Are you a mom? I would love to learn a little about all the Stay@Home Stitchings Followers. :0) Comment and tell me: Knit or crochet? Kids, pets, both?

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I love to Knit AND Crochet. (Some of my design ideas ready to be worked will use both crafts together! I know…crazy!) I’m a Stay@Home Mama of 4 beautiful and amazing kiddos. My oldest is 10, he’s my only boy (that doesn’t have fur). Then I have 3 girls, ages 8, 5 and 2. I also have 2 furry kids. Our dogs Max and Ruby….yes, like the cartoon. LOL Max is our oldest (lab mix) baby. He’s 12 and slowing down more every day. I can’t even imagine our lives without him, he’s SUCH a good dog. Then our beagle Ruby who turned 6 on Cinco de Mayo. She is also a great natured dog. We have been blessed with easy, laid back dogs who love the kids and can tolerate the craziness that is our house sometimes.

That’s a short summary on this Stay@Home Mama. Now I’m ready to hear about you. :o)
Happy Stitching!

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