Timothy and Sara’s Wedding Gift ~ February 24, 2008

February 24, 2008

This Graphic ‘Ghan blanket by Joyce Nordstrom was the first I have ever stitched that was corner to corner. I remember feeling a little intimidated to try it since my skill level was still very much a beginner. I ended up really enjoying making this pattern and it was much easier to stitch than I had anticipated. This afghan was made for my husband’s cousin and his wife for their wedding gift. I don’t believe the yarn that the pattern called for (Red Heart Fiesta) is available any longer. I know I had a hard time finding it when I made it the second time a few years later.

Pattern: Graphic ‘Ghan by Joyce Nordstrom
I had found this pattern in Crochet Today! Magazine ~ Jan/Feb 2008 edition.
What corner to corner patterns have you tried? Send me a link so I can check them out. 😊
Happy Stitching!! πŸ§ΆπŸ’–