Too much yarn too move??? Nah…..

So for those out there who are not aware, my hubby serves in the US Air Force and we have been given orders to move this summer. Today officially starts the whole process when the representative from the moving company comes to do the initial walk through and assessment of what it will take to pack us up and haul our stuff from point A to point B.

Up until this point I could easily hide my yarn addiction and growing stash and no one would even be aware it exists (except my family who lives here and can find it, LOL). It hides (as much as several boxes of yarn can hide) nice and neatly up in my bedroom closet. It’s a huge walk in, so I’ve even organized it neatly by color to make it easier to find the perfect yarn for the perfect project when needed. It’s a nice huge space and I don’t often have people walking through the master bedroom closet so my yarn stash’s existence hasn’t needed to be revealed until today.

 Today begins the utter humiliation of being “found out”. That cartoon picture above is me later today blocking my closet door so the moving representative won’t enter and I can avoid him passing huge judgment over something I am certain he will not understand. I am quite proud of my yarn stash….privately….without telling others about it. I’m just happy to have it I guess is a better way to say it. I love it being there. I love having a stash to go to when I want to start a new project and don’t have time to run to the store. It just makes me happy that it’s there….until I have to let other people who do not know me know that it’s there. Not that I really care what other people think of me, because I really don’t, honestly. But it is hard to explain to others who are looking at you so oddly why you have hundreds of skeins of yarn just sitting around. :0)

 I don’t know how I’ve accumulated so much because I honestly don’t buy nearly as much yarn as I would like to. Most of it has actually been given to me by others who no longer want/need it. I love free yarn and am always willing to take it off people’s hands because I know the day will come when the perfect project for that yarn will come and I’ll have it ready and waiting. I think this brings me back to a previous post of my “SABLE” condition….stash acquisition beyond life expectancy. LOL I have so many projects and ideas and yarn and probably not nearly enough days in life to do them all. I guess I need to learn to knit and crochet faster so that maybe, just maybe, I might get my endless project list stitched up with all the beautiful yarn in my closet.  Until then I guess I’ll have to unblock the closet door, show the movers what’s behind door #1 and let the skeins of yarn fall where they may. :0)

How about any of you readers out there?? Do you have a large yarn stash and do other people know about it? Are you proud enough to shout it from the roof tops or are you a private accumulator like me? I’d love to hear what other stitchers feel about their stashes! :0)

Happy Stitching!! :0)