Tyler’s Sweater ~ July 25, 2010

July 25, 2010

Oh my sister is going to love me for this one. Remember how I said at the very beginning of this walk down memory lane that I started stitching LONG before I ever thought about it becoming more than just something I did to make friends and family gifts? I didn’t take pictures of everything and so I don’t have a nice picture library somewhere with all these finished projects nicely captured to remember them by. Maybe my sister will see this and realize she has a much better picture of this sweater that I can use to post here. I would not have even remembered that I made this sweater for my nephew Tyler if I hadn’t happened to see this picture as I was searching for old project pictures. I’m surprised I didn’t miss this one actually…but I’m glad I didn’t. Once I saw it I did remember that I had made it for him, but there are no other pictures of this sweater to be found anywhere on my computer. This is the one and only memory I have of it to give evidence that I had stitched it. There is no telling what other memories I may have missed by not taking pictures of the finished projects.
It’s crazy how I didn’t see the importance of capturing all my projects in pictures back then. It seems so obvious to me now. If you are just starting out on your stitching journey I advise you take pictures of everything. We put a lot of hard work into the things we make…we should take a few extra minutes when we are all done to take those pictures so we can remember everything by. Even if your stitching doesn’t lead you anywhere but to continue doing it as a hobby to give gifts to friends and family or even to give away to charity…it’s still nice to have a little photo album following your journey all along the way. You won’t regret the pictures you did take, but I can tell you honestly, from my own experience looking back, you will regret the ones you didn’t take. 
Happy Stitching!!