I cannot believe that I have had a blog this long and have not yet posted a photo tutorial of my all time favorite “trick”, “hack”, technique, or whatever you’d like to call it. The Russian Join….whoever invented this little secret was a GENIUS!!
I dislike weaving in the ends of yarn more than I can express in words. I especially hate having to do it in the middle of my work. Additionally I dislike having to waste a bunch of yarn because I know I will run out of yarn before I reach the other side. Because we all know it’s best to make a nice neat join along the edge of our work.
Imagine my great pleasure when I learned this incredible technique! Now I can join the old working yarn I was running out of to a new ball of yarn. As a results it’s as if they were one continuous ball of yarn that never runs out!! It was as if the heavens opened and the angels were singing. This is a fun technique you can use whether you knit or crochet. Indeed no matter which craft you are working, eventually you are going to run out of yarn. Because of this, you will need to add a new ball.
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How to do a Russian Join Photo Tutorial:

And just like magic you have connected the 2 balls of yarn as if they were one. If you have any questions at all about this photo tutorial, please do not hesitate to ask me. Either comment below or send me an email at stayathomestitchings@live.com
Happy Stitching!