~ It’s Friday! Don’t forget to be fabulous! ~

It’s Friday! Don’t forget to be fabulous! This sounds like some great advice to me.

What are your plans for the weekend? Don’t forget to support your #smallbusiness owners by checking out their shops! I will be stitching away and working on orders. I love knowing that I am making items for people that they have requested and are excited to receive!

*This post may include affiliate links that I can earn a small commission from if you shop through them at no additional cost to you. Think of it as another way to help support my small business. โ˜บ๏ธ Please see my full disclosure for more information.*

And once I am done with the orders I am working on, I am VERY excited to check out Annie’s newest club. Annie’s Moroccan Tile Afghan Club is a monthly subscription. It is packed with all the yarn you need to crochet this beautiful afghan. This is a 10-month kit series and is guided by expert online video tutorials and helpful instructions. Your first kit includes the yarn and patterns to create your first tile. It also includes a digital stitch guide as a free gift for joining the club. And use the code SHARE50 at checkout to receive your first month at 50% off!!

Subscribe to this site with your email and find me on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You’ll keep up with my current projects and also be first to know of any new tutorial and pattern releases I have.
Happy Stitching!