Mom and Dad’s 40th Wedding Anniversary Gift

So………’s only a month and a half AFTER their 40th wedding anniversary, but I finally got this blanket shipped and delivered to my parents and they got to open it up today! It was worth every hour and every stitch to see their expressions and know how loved and appreciated it was by them. :0) I used this project as a Prayer Blanket, much like many people do prayer shawls as gifts. I was able to pray for them individually and as a married couple and for our family as a whole. It was a blessing to me as I worked on it and I pray it will be a blessing to them as they get to use it. :0)
How about you? Have you ever done a project like this? Have you stitched up something other than a shawl as a “prayer project” to bless someone in your life?
Check out my Facebook page: Stay@Home Stitchings to keep up with all my latest projects and happenings. Happy Stitching!! :0)