Sometimes a mom just needs 5 minutes :0)

I couldn’t resist….this cartoon was just too cute. :0) Not that I would ever hang my children from the clothesline, but I definitely need that 5 minute break every now and then. How about you? What do you do to get your “you” time fit in? I end up staying up WAY too late at night and force myself out of bed an hour before I need to get everyone up in the morning. I also still make the 2 little ones I have at home with me all day lay down for at least an hour in the afternoon…sometimes this is just so that I have time to fit my shower in for the day, LOL. But, if I didn’t have these slots of time set aside I don’t know how I’d ever find time to knit, crochet, design, read, etc. etc. This also leaves the bulk of my day during the hours the kids are awake to simply be “mom”. My Stay@Home Stitchings time is, and will continue to be, further down on my list of priorities as long as my kids are at home. I make it a point to put my time with God first in the morning, my time devoted to my family (cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, playing games, doing “mom” stuff, etc.) next and then any time I have left is for me to do what I need to do for Stay@Home Stitchings. It works for now. I know I’ll have plenty of time after they are all in school full time and I’m a basket case because I’m lost without all the busyness they have provided me for all these years. :0(
 Oh….I’m sure I’ll still be super busy running everyone here and there after school, but life’s schedule will definitely be changing big time. I will have to find a new normal (which even as I type this brings tears to my eyes). I LOVE my Stay@Home mom job and I LOVE having my little ones underfoot. I can’t bear to think of them being away all day, even if it does mean more “me” time.  Being a Stay@Home mom is by far the MOST rewarding job there is….even if a 5 minute break is only caught by hanging your kids on the clothesline. ;0)
Happy Stitching!! – Whenever and however you find time to fit it in. :0)
Don’t forget to find me on Facebook: Stay@Home Stitchings  . I’m trying to reach 500 fans by my birthday in 2 weeks. :0) Lofty goal, but I think there are plenty of  Stay@Home moms, knitters and crochet lovers out there to help me out. :0)