Baby Boy Hat and Mittens Gift Set ~ September 21, 2011

September 21, 2011

This was a great little gift set to stitch up. I love the braided ties. This was the first hat that I had ever tried making those and I was really happy with how they turned out. The mittens are a great baby pair because they don’t have thumb holes to worry about and they still keep a baby’s hands warm. Easy Peasy. 
The hat isn’t a pattern I could post because it was a compilation of multiple patterns and little adjusting that I created myself along the way. I don’t have anything that could help recreate this that you could click on and find exactly, but I know there are a lot of patterns similar to this one out there. 
I don’t recall where I got the mitten pattern from now either, but I do believe it might have been out of a magazine. I do know they were super easy and I would highly recommend them for functional baby use. πŸ™‚ 
I suppose this post isn’t super helpful, and not sure how I would recreate this set now if I wanted to, so if you are learning anything from this blogging journey I hope it is to journal/write down:
*what you are making
*who you are making it for 
*pattern link/name/description/author that you are making
*materials used to make it to include yarn color and brand
And take LOTS of pictures.
and as always…
Happy Stitching!