~ Best Hair Mask for Fine and Thin Hair ~

To start with, I feel like I need to be completely honest. I am incredibly skeptical when it comes to hair products. I have pretty much had a hate/hate relationship with my hair for as long as I can remember. Nothing usually works for me. So when I was asked to do this product review, I was nervous. I don’t ever find hair products that work for my fine, thin, old hair. However, to my great pleasure and surprise, I think I have found what may be the best hair mask for fine and thin hair that I have ever tried!

*This post may include affiliate links that I can earn a small commission from if you shop through them at no additional cost to you. In fact you may even receive a discount for using them. Think of it as another way to help support my small business. ☺️ Please see my full disclosure for more information.*

So what is the best hair mask for fine and thin hair?

So, what is this miracle product I discovered, you may be asking? To be honest I never would have discovered it if Natura hadn’t offered it for me to try. Like I said before, I don’t have any luck with hair products. I have given up even trying them. Without a doubt I don’t want to waste another penny on something that just makes my hair greasy and heavy. And time and time again that is usually my experience. Until now. Until Natura sent me their Muru Muru Restoring Hair Mask in order to write a review on it.

Rocky Start

First off, my experience started out a little rocky. Admittingly I thought the hair mask didn’t come with directions. Naturally I feel foolish now that I discovered them, but I did want to include this in case anyone else ran into the same issue. Normally instructions are included on the outside of the container. Indeed I looked that whole thing over with no luck! I even checked inside the lid. But, as you can see in the pics, it was likely as plain as day to anyone else. I was fully expecting to dislike this product so I was already adding this to my negative thoughts on the product as a whole. However as you can see from the pics, I wasn’t able to add this as a negative point either. Natura has all their bases covered!

Why do I think this is the best hair mask for fine and thin hair?

Previously in my hair experience, any product that is designed to deeply condition or repair your hair is normally very thick and heavy. On fine and thin hair, which is what I have, this only leads to my hair feeling and looking greasy and flat. However, since my hair is so fine and thin, I NEED a product that can help restore and repair it from the use of my hairdryer and hot iron. As I have gotten older, my hair has only gotten worse. It has gotten frizzier and more frazzly and no matter what products I have tried, it was no use.

Now, as of today I have only used the Muru Muru Restoring Hair Mask twice over a span of about a week and a half. About every 4 days or so I will probably apply this to my hair. Even only after my very first use I could see a difference! Honestly I am blown away with these results. With my first use, I was pleasantly surprised at how light if felt in my hair after I applied it. It was soft even as I finger combed it through. Even more, it rinsed out easily and completely. It wasn’t like other products that you feel like you have to scrape out after applying. Furthermore, two days after my first application I could still see a difference in the appearance of my hair. The ends that are normally a lot more dried out looking were soft and shiny.

Of course I completely understand if you are skeptical. Likely I would be the same if I were reading this post as well. Honestly I anticipated writing a completely different review when it was sent to me. In the end, though, this ended up being magic in a bottle. Without a doubt I cannot wait to see what my hair looks like after a few months of using this product.

A few more things to know:

Additionally it’s important for me to share that this product does not have a strong smell to it. To be clear, it smells good. But it doesn’t smell overpowering. In fact it really is just a light fragrance that was pleasant. Furthermore it felt like soft silk not only on my hands while applying, but also in my hair. Even more I love that it doesn’t come in a bottle that you have to try to squeeze every last drop out. The container will be easy to use and store. In conclusion I really love this product so far!

Coupon Code

As an affiliate for this wonderful company I have the opportunity to offer you a 10% discount sitewide using the coupon code: S@HS. Please feel free to use that to try this and any other wonderful products this company has to offer! Don’t wait! The sooner you start using this product, the sooner you will get to greater hair!

May you discover happy and healthy hair too!
