Nathan’s Personalized Earflap Hat ~ October 5, 2011

October 5, 2011
My sister-in-law asked me if there was any way I could make my nephew a hat with his name stitched into it. I had never done anything quite like that before, but I always love to try new things and challenge myself to learn something I didn’t know how to do before. How are we ever going to grow as crafters if we don’t push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and attempt something we have never done before? What is the worst thing that could happen? I told her I could and I went to work. πŸ™‚
This is again not from any one specific pattern. Back then I used to pick pieces of patterns that I really liked and put them together to create the exact item I wanted. I am much better now about keeping track of the materials I use, such as yarn and hook size and all the rest. Once we hit 2012 there shouldn’t be nearly as many items that I post that I don’t have all that information specifically notated. I’m guilty of forgetting even now from time to time, but for the most part I try to be diligent in journaling exactly what I did and what I used to do it so I can possibly recreate the item again if I wanted to. It’s a very good habit to get into. Even if you are thinking, Oh…it’s just a little hobby and I don’t need to keep track of anything….trust me…you really want to. You never know when down the road you are going to remember something that you made and think, I’d really like to make that again, only to realize that you have no idea how you made it the first time or what you used! I can’t stress it enough…it’s a really good idea to get in the habit of keeping track of your projects. The pattern you used (title and author), the hook/needle size, the brand of yarn and the exact color name and/or number. 
I’d love to see what you are working on today!
Happy Stitching!